Rules & Constitution


Established 1868

Gipping Angling Preservation Society

 Membership and Rule Book

 Affiliated to Angling Trust

Headquarters:Alderson Lake, Needham Market





The list of current officers of the Society is listed on the club website.

In case of emergency please see notice boards or website for contact details

This book is current as of the 1st June 2023.

For latest information please see the society website for details


Members are requested to attend the Society AGM  which will be held  at a venue to be decided on the 1st Monday in April each year.

If the first Monday is declared a bank holiday the meeting will be moved to the 2nd Monday of the month

The venue  for the current year will be posted on the society website, Facebook page and sent to members email account held on Clubmate .   

(Proof of membership is required to gain admittance to the AGM and meetings)




Adult:   18-64 years

OAP:   65 years and over at start of membership

Disabled:         Evidenced by rod license

Family: Two Adults living at same address together with any number of their own children aged 12-16, whether natural, fostered, or adopted

Intermediate: 16 – 17 years inclusive at time of membership

Junior: 12 – 15 years inclusive at time of membership


On occasions that club members are accompanied by their partners, resident at the same address.  They may fish the same peg, without having to become a club member, but only if in possession of an E.A. Rod License. This is subject to Rule 8 – (the partner may fish part of your own rod limit meaning this does not entitle extra rods to be fished).

The same applies to a members children. Up to the age of 12 they may fish as long as  they occupy the same peg. At age 12 they are entitled to apply for their own membership, at which time they can fish alone.




There are combination locks at Elton Water Bank, Causeway Lake and Alderson Lake. These gates should be closed immediately after entry/exit and the locks reset. The code for the forthcoming season will be sent to members upon their membership being renewed


Electronic security gates may be in place during the season. Each member will have their own security tag to gain entry and to exit. Each member will be required to log themselves on each visit (entry/exit)

Lost tags subject to a charge of £10 for replacement


Otter fencing shall not be damaged. Please report any damage to otter fencing to a bailiff or the committee immediately. Please do not lean tackle against otter fencing or hang anything on it.



(Revised March 1987, 1993, 2000 & 2016)

  • That the officers of the Society shall consist of a President, Vice Presidents, an Auditor, a Finance Officer, (all to be ex-officio members of the committee), General Secretary and Minute Clerk, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Match Secretary and eight senior members (serving as ordinary committee members) who shall conduct the affairs of the Society and constitute the Executive
  • Those Officers shall be appointed/elected at the AGM save for the committee of which one half shall retire by rotation each year but those retiring shall be eligible for re- election.
  • That a statement of the accounts be presented to the AGM for discussion and adoption.
  • The Society shall hold 3 General meetings open to all members per year. These will be held in the months of July, November and March, at the Society HQ at 00pm on the 1st Monday of that month. Officers present will not comment on the financial or other confidential matters of the Society. Where that Monday falls on a public holiday the meeting to be deferred by one calendar week.
  • The Officers of the Society shall meet on the First Monday of each month, at the Society’s HQ, after the general meeting has concluded to conduct the business of the The executive committee shall be empowered to co-opt or invite any person to the meetings or to set up sub-committees as seen fit. Where that Monday falls on a public holiday the meeting to be deferred by one calendar week.
  • That the eight senior members of the Executive committee be those only empowered to vote on such matters arising at committee meetings. In the event of a tied vote the Chairman shall have a casting
  • For Officers meetings a quorum shall be not less than four Officers with full voting rights. Either the Chairman or Vice Chairman must be present for the meeting to be
  • Officers of the Society with voting powers must declare any conflict of interest and abstain from voting on matters relating to such
  • Any committee member attending less than six committee meetings per year will be asked to step
  • That every member of the Society shall be furnished with a copy of these “Rules, Regulations and Constitution” and it shall be considered their duty to report any infringement there of which may come under their observation to any officer of the Society without
  • That in the case of these rules being infringed by any member, then he/she would be liable for suspension or expulsion and/or prosecution depending on the findings of the Executive Committee after The member would be given the right to account for any infringement.


  • That any alteration or addition to these rules shall be decided upon by the Society at an AGM or Extra Ordinary General Meeting, or if anything that is not provided for in the rules that matter shall be laid before the Executive Committee who shall have full power to act, and that their decision shall be binding until such time as ratified by the next AGM.
  • That any member desiring to make any change to these rules must give the Secretary at least four weeks’ notice in writing, and duly seconded, prior to any AGM (Also applied to an EGM), and that all proposals will be voted upon at the All proposers and seconders must attend.
  • An Extra Ordinary General Meeting may be called by request to the Executive Committee with notice signed by at least 10% or 100 senior members whichever is the greater. No business will be transacted at any such meeting except for which it was All members much receive fourteen days’ notice and an agenda for such a meeting.
  • That only members shall have the right to vote at an Annual General meeting or an Extra Ordinary General Meeting (Excluding Affiliated Group Members).
  • Any item for consideration by the Executive Committee must be placed before the Monthly General Meeting; any such item must be approved by the meeting and entered into the Minute Book and the Executive Committee will give it consideration at the earliest possible
  • Trustees acting on behalf of the Society shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Society’s property or The Trustees shall hold office until their death or resignation or until their removal from office by a resolution of the Executive Committee, who may take such action for any reason which may seem by reason of any such death, resignation or removal it shall appear necessary to the Executive Committee that a new Trustee or Trustees shall be appointed, or if the Executive Committee deem it necessary to appoint additional trustees this shall be by resolution of the Executive Committee. The Chairman and the Executive Committee are hereby nominated as the persons to appoint new Trustees of the Society within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustees Act 1925.


The objectives of the Society shall be:

  • To provide, acquire and protect fishing for all Members of the Society and people within the areas of Ipswich and surrounding
  • To protect and conserve wildlife in connection with rivers and l
  • To encourage all members and the General Public to do
  • To offer help and advice where it is possible to all angling clubs, associations, landowners and riparian owners


SAS Baits


  • That any person wishing to become a member can apply directly online via the website, or at any participating tackle shop or other agency. Alternatively by post to the General Secretary via the A joining fee will be paid at the rate currently in force and such subscriptions that shall be laid down by the Society. Acceptance of membership shall be deemed as acceptance of all the Society’s Rules and Regulations. Membership to the Society is open to all applicants dependent upon the numbers deemed reasonable by the Executive Committee. The Society reserves the right to refuse membership at the Executive Committee’s discretion.

That each member shall pay the annual subscription in full when renewing membership. No membership card will be issued until the subscription is paid in full.

  • The Society’s membership year will commence on the first day of June each
  • All vehicles must be parked in designated areas. Failure to comply with this rule may result in the member being asked to leave the fishery by any bona fide member present.
  • That any member transferring their membership card to any other person or abusing the privileges granted by the Society or acting in any manner deemed by the Executive Committee to be detrimental to the Society or any riparian owner shall be held responsible for their behavior and may be expelled from the Society by resolution of the Executive Any member causing damage to any property on, or adjoining Society’s waters may be asked to recompense.
  • No person shall light any fires. Members shall not cause any willful or unnecessary damage to the banks or herbage of any of G.A.P.S. fisheries leased, owned or licensed and will always behave in a reasonable and proper manner.
  • Current Membership rule books and ID cards must be obtained before fishing club Members must also carry their Membership cards and rule book when fishing. G.A.P.S. waters and produce them when requested to do so by officers, bailiffs, landowners or any G.A.P.S. member offering proof of his/her standing. Failure to comply with this rule will result in such a member having to appear before the Committee to answer the same. Members are warned to ensure they have statutory fishing rod licenses to cover the water they are fishing.
  • The loss of membership book and or membership card will incur a cost of replacement to the member. current cost of this will be advised by the secretary.
  • New members will be charged a premium on top of the joining fee to cover the cost of membership book and printing of membership cards.
  • All G.A.P.S. fisheries are governed by the Environment Agency statutory rod fishing byelaws. All G.A.P.S. members shall be considered to have the power of Bailiff on all Society Waters and may challenge any person in accordance with these rules. Any person found fishing in G.A.P.S. waters without being duly authorized shall be prosecuted according to the
  • Fishing is not allowed in any manner other than with rod and line and a landing net to secure fish when hooked. No member to use more than one hook attached to any one line, except for predator traces.
  • ROD LIMITS THREE RODS ALL YEAR ROUND unless stated below

                                                       ALDERSON LAKES COMPLEX – TWO RODS ALL YEAR ROUND

  • Members shall not be allowed to carry guns of any description on Society’s fisheries unless duly authorized by the secretary or his appointed representative; such authorization shall not be granted unless satisfactory evidence is produced of  third party liability cover adequate to protect the
  • No member shall be accompanied by a dog unless a dog disclaimer form has been completed and signed (available when joining, or from the Secretary). The dog must be microchipped and insured for third party liability. Removal of the right to be accompanied by a dog many be removed at the Committees
  • Anyone found leaving LITTER in the swim or peg or fishing with LITTER in a swim or peg or disobeying these rules shall come before the Committee and will be subject to severe disciplinary action. This includes litter already present in the
  • No complaint shall be considered from ordinary members whatsoever unless the complaint is supported in writing, in either email or letter format and duly signed by the person making such a If anyone having to appear before the committee (at a time  amenable to both parties) to answer any charges or complaint fails to appear, without offering  a  good reason for absence, he/she will have the complaint dealt with in  their absence and the committee’s decision shall be final.
  • No unauthorized marking or tagging of fish to take place on any G.A.P.S. waters or waters unless under the management or control of the Society. Removal or introduction of any fish is strictly prohibited unless it is deemed to be a fishery management exercise and approved by the Executive Committee and the Environment Agency fisheries department. All such matters to be dealt with through the Executive
  • No live baiting, only dead sea baits, vacuum packed, blast frozen coarse dead baits and artificial lures See the pike angling page of this book for specific pike angling rules and tackle requirements.
  • Night Fishing is allowed subject to a separate fee (as laid down by the membership schedule) and will be charged at the time of membership renewal.
  • Night Fishing Permits will not be issued to junior members. Junior members may night fish under the direct supervision of an Adult member who MUST accompany that junior member whilst fishing at night. They must also be within the same peg using part of the allowed rod allowance for that peg.
  • Night fishing is defined as the period one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise. Night fishing permits may be limited in number and may be issued at the Committee’s
  • Members must not keep fish for periods in excess of 6 hours in keep nets. Only approved keep nets to be used for the retention of fish. Carp and specimen fish to be retained for as short a period as possible, and not overnight, in approved sacks or retainers. Specimen anglers are to use a suitable sized and thickness of unhooking mat – see separate carp/specimen fishing page in this Retaining timeshould be reduced in times of warm weather.
  • No fishing permitted after sunset on any venue on the day before a match is planned or any day when a match has been arranged until after the match is In the event of space being available after the draw has taken place for the match this space may be made available by the Match Secretary.
  • Any member found fishing venues when reserved for club events may be expelled after the matter is placed before the
  • Any fishery problems, pollution, fish distress or mortalities must be reported without delay to any Society officer, or in the absence of an officer to the Environment Agency. Name and telephone number of the informant is important for further contact. Environment Agency Emergency Hotline 0800 807060 call free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  • Members fishing any waters must not leave the vicinity of their swim or peg with lines in the If any member leaves or walks away from the swim or peg all lines must be removed from the water and bait removed from hooks.
  • No member of the Society is authorized to write or contact the press or media concerning business or matters relating to the Society whatsoever without the prior approval and authorization from the
  • All bloodworm and joker baits are prohibited between 1st April and 30th September inclusive on all G.A.P.S.
  • Any member taking a vehicle into society waters does so entirely at their own
  • Members or authorized visitors entering G.A.P.S club waters do so entirely at their own risk. Members and visitors are bound by the rules of the Club, and the Club will not be liable to any member or visitor or their estate for, any personal injury sustained by them, or death, or damage or loss of property. (A.P.S Committee)
  • NO FIRES WHATSOEVER. Excepted are BBQ’s when used responsibly; this postulates that they will not cause fire risks or patches of burnt grass.
  • No fish to be taken away or brought to fisheries (except dead sea fish bait or blast frozen, vacuum packed coarse dead baits).
  • Members must not dig away banks or interfere with trees or plants of any kind except when specifically,
  • Fishing from numbered pegs only (where provided).
  • Members must observe any special notices that may be erected and not occupy reserved/closed
  • No unauthorized guests to be taken to any
  • Members must not obstruct any Public Footpath with fishing tackle etc.
  • Baited hooks must not be left unattended in a way that enables any straying dog or other animal to pick up and eat
  • Bait boats allowed subject to permit and conditions Permit can be withdrawn by order of the executive committee in the event of misuse.
  • All officials (Committee members, officials of G.A.P.S and bailiffs) have the right to exclude or ask members to leave from any G.A.P.S venue if there is a rule infringement. The DECISION OF THE OFFICIALS IS FINAL. They may also ask members to come before the committee to explain their actions if any of the rules in this book are not adhered to.
  • A.P.S members are reminded to be polite and respectful to fellow G.A.P.S members and G.A.P.S officials.
  • SPAWNING FISH/TEMPORARY CLOSURES. Lakes will be closed temporary to allow fish spawning if required. There may also be other temporary closures required for angler safety – for example flooded lakes; to undertake works safely; or enforced temporary closures at the request of landowners.
  • DO NOT BRING ANY NETS OR UNHOOKING EQUIPMENT TO THE LAKE WET. You will be either asked to leave or wait until they are dry prior to WET NETS SPREAD DISEASE.
  • Do not leave rods unattended.
  • Wading is only allowed to assist in the netting or release of fish and only directly in front of a peg. This can only be undertaken if a second ADULT person is in attendance. NO wading is allowed to place baits or rigs .
  • The committee does not condone wading and advises against any person doing so. Any person doing so does ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK
  • The use of drones is not permitted unless prior permission from Committee has been gained.


  • All entries for club matches must be notified to the Match Secretary before day of match (48 hours’ notice if possible).
  • Competitors to be present at draw at time stated or they may be ineligible to
  • The Match Secretary may appoint stewards if necessary and they shall act with the authority vested in them by the Match
  • Competitors may wet ground bait, plumb depth and set float, clear weed and break ice; place keep nets before start of club
  • Anglers must not annoy or approach other competitors
  • All matches to be staked down and weighed in at Competitors not at their peg at times of weigh in may be disqualified.
  • Peg numbers must not be changed after the draw unless authorized by steward or Match
  • Any number of rods may be assembled but only one rod to be over the water and in use at any time
  • Whilst fishing, competitors must remain within an area of 3 feet either side of their
  • Competitors shall fish and feed within the reasonable confines of their peg.
  • No lines to be left unattended in the water or baited on the
  • Whilst fishing away matches or other clubs’ waters, rules applying to that water or host club will be observed and adhered to at all
  • Environment Agency byelaws apply to all Society’s
  • Stewards’ decision shall be final regarding the weight of any
  • All fish to be retained in keep nets except large fish or fish in distress which must be weighed and returned to the
  • Assistance may be given to another angler to land fish with landing net, if
  • All live fish in season to be eligible for weighing in except for Pike or Zander. Pike to count only in Pike
  • No lures designed to emulate fish, or dead sea fish, to be used except for Pike or Perch
  • Any complaints about the behavior of another competitor or any dispute regarding weights or infringements of match rules must be made to the

Match Secretary before the results are announced.

  • All boat matches must be fished from boats and combined weight to count in each boat. Boat matches shall not secure points except for the specimen fish awards.
  • Away matches -where an angler fails to attend an away fixture they may still be liable for any pegging fees incurred. Anglers will not be permitted to book intoany subsequent matches until any outstanding costs have been paid.






Please aim to attend work parties; they provide an opportunity to meet fellow anglers and share information, as well as putting something back into the Society.

Additional work parties will be promoted if required such as weed clearance and special projects. Tools will be provided, however please bring your own if safe and suitable for the task.

Please refer to Facebook or the website for details of the work parties listed and for a point of contact. Routine maintenance such as trimming, grass cutting, weed clearance and light vegetation removal usually takes place outside of work parties, therefore please be tolerant when this work is taking place as there may be some disturbance.

Should you wish to carry out maintenance work outside of work parties this is encouraged, however please consult with the Secretary or Committee for approval prior to work.


The Close Season is as follows: 15th March to the 15 June INCLUSIVE, on all   waters of the Society except for those waters which the Executive Committee have declared will stay open


Breakaway Tackle




Several pegs have been created to accommodate the disabled angler. These pegs are available for all members but must be vacated if required by a disabled angler.

  • Fishing allowed in both channels of the river to the boundary fence.
  • Night fishing permitted on the large lake
  • Maximum stay 2 days and 2 nights no return for 24hrs.
  • Maximum two rods on all lakes on this venue
  • Fishing on the small lake permitted 1 hour before sunrise until 10:30pm – a night ticket is required if fishing 1 hour beyond sunset
  • All gates to be kept closed and locked.
  • No parking outside entrance gate
  • Please use car parking areas and do not park behind pegs
  • No night fishing from the top of the high bank or night fishing from vehicles. Bivvys to be erected at the bottom of the high bank where dug outs are
  • Fish MUST NOT be carried up the high bank, (pegs 1 to 10). Unhooking, weighing, photographs etc to be carried out within the confines of the peg at the base of the steps.
  • Loose feeding of Boilies is permitted in
  • There are toilets available, adjacent to workshop, these must be
  • The use of keep nets in the Canal fishery is prohibited in the months of June, July and August except in organized club
  • Do not lean items against the otter
  • No bait



  • Causeway Lake and the Perch pit may be fished all year subject to temporary
  • This is a working farm, beware of cattle and leave all gates and barriers as you find
  • The river sections are subject to close season restrictions, including Causeway Lagoon
  • Vehicle access across river bridge to Causeway Lakes is restricted in bad weather observe all
  • Three rods are permitted on Causeway Lake all year The remainder of the venues on this complex and the river are subject to rod limits as per rule 8, Rules of Membership.
  • Parking is restricted only to areas signed or on this plan. No parking behind pegs for any longer than reasonably required to drop off or collect fishing equipment in other areas.
  • Anglers are permitted to drive to Perch Pit if track conditions allow.
  • Do not lean tackle or hang anything against the otter
  • No night fishing on river upstream of Sharmford Lock
  • Night fishing at Causeway Lake is restricted to 3 days and 3 No return for 24 hours.
  • Bait boats may be used on Causeway lake subject to the purchase of a bait boat



(Members only)

Fishing from Public Footpath side only. No numbered pegs, fish from any selected spot. Fishing permitted from Bramford bridge to stile by any license holder (public fishing). From stile downstream to just above Sproughton Mill, members only. G.A.P.S. Notice Boards define limits. Parking in proper public car park opposite garage. (Police will act against offenders).



                   (Mill Pool and from Road Bridge to notice above Lock – Out of Bounds)

Parking limited in Church Lane and grass verge near A.W. Pumping Station -Keep gateway clear. GAPS no longer have fishing rights beyond the second stile at Fletcher’s Meadow to behind the old Sugar Beet.



Parking facilities on riverbank between Gate and Riverside Road. Gate must be closed and locked both going onto water and leaving. Combination lock in use on gate.  Night fishing restricted to pegs 1 to 27 inclusive.  Postcode: IP2 0UB


JR Custom Rods



  • Appropriate fish care shall be Large, padded unhooking mat, suitable landing net, weigh sling and fish care equipment.
  • Sack fish for minimum time possible in an approved sack/retainer only for photography reasons. Do not retain fish overnight. Fish to be sacked in deep well oxygenated water and not shallow
  • Rods are not to be left
  • Anglers shall remain close to rods if snag fishing. This includes setting up shelter and bedchair close to rods when night fishing and not fishing from
  • Consider and respect fellow anglers fishing nearby – do not cast into or over another angler’s water. If in doubt, ask.
  • Fish within the confines of the water in front of your peg/swim. Do not cast/fish into neighboring anglers’ If in doubt consult your neighbor as to where they are fishing.
  • Consider what is between you and are where you are casting – do not cast beyond snags or large weed beds which you would need to bring a fish
  • Rigs shall always be able to shed a lead without leaving long lengths of leader material trailing for a fish to get snagged Long lengths of leader/lead core are not recommended.
  • Where allowed, bait boats shall not be used to access water beyond casting range, or outside the confines of your own area of water. They shall not be used to gain behind features such as islands where a fish can go behind an island. Consider weed beds that you may be taking your rig beyond which will cause problems with landing or snagging fish. If a bait boat is being used inappropriately the anglers bait boat ticket will be removed without refund.
  • DO NOT BRING ANY NETS OR UNHOOKING EQUIPMENT TO THE LAKE WET. You will be either asked to leave or wait until they are dry prior to WET NETS SPREAD DISEASE.
  • Particles shall be properly prepared, soaked and boiled. Nuts of all kinds shall be used in moderation.
  • No unauthorized movement of fish between venues
  • Time away from a venue when fishing for longer duration sessions shall be limited and shall be for genuine reasons



 Unhooking mat/tools to consist of: long & short forceps, long side cutters, pike disgorger, large, padded unhooking mat adequate landing net minimum 36” diameter

  • Semi barbed or barbless trebles to be used on all traces
  • Wire traces min 18″long 20lb breaking strain
  • Minimum breaking strain main lines: mono 15lb, braid 20lb
  • Retention of pike for photos for as short as time as possible
  • Pike to be kept out of water for as short a time as
  • No fixed leads
  • Visual bite indication must be used
  • Free lining of baits is not permitted
  • No live baiting
  • Vacuum packed coarse dead baits may be used, or frozen sea dead baits.
  • No pike fishing between the 31st March – 1 October, to include the use of artificial The pike fishing season may be ended prematurely if pike commence spawning.
  • Report any lost traces/lures and line lost in trees or snags.
  • Pike should be netted and not “chinned” for safety of the fish and angler when removing from the water









 That General Club Rules and Regulations always apply. See Rules 15 and

  • Night Fishing is defined as fishing during the hours of darkness, hour after sunset to one hour before
  • No fishing during the night prior to a match being reserved on that section, nor for at least 4 pegs either side of those
  • In the event of groups, the whole group must act The occupation of group pegs for night fishing is not permitted.
  • Anglers must always maintain their pegs and surrounding area free from litter.
  • This permit is issued at the discretion of the Committee and may be


  • Junior members are not allowed to hold a night ticket. Junior members can attend with an adult member but must be in the same peg. The rules governing the number of rods in a peg still apply .
  • Night Fishing Permits shall be issued to Adult and Intermediate Members
  • No night fishing from vehicles.



A list of matches for the season will be posted on the Gaps Website


Details of how to enter matches are on the website.

Junior intermediate members are welcome to attend senior matches.

Suffolk Air Rifles
Birds Tackle