I would like to thank all those who took time to fill in the questions we put to the membership earlier this month. The results were better than we hoped for and it was nice to hear, in the main, we seem to be going in the right direction. The last year has been very hard for us, not least of all due to covid, but add into that floods at levels unseen for years and weather causing oxygen crashes etc. It has been testing times to say the least.
Basically the only two people who were able to see your comments were Stacy Bird and myself so apart from us, your comments have been anonymous. That said we would have had to search out who wrote what and to be honest I have not bothered. I did though copy and send them to the committee to look at .We asked what you thought and you gave it to us. Good and not so good!
The response was weighted by the younger generation as expected, being more tech savvy but did have a few old ones sprinkled in.
It has given the committee something to think about, and we know there are areas we need to improve on over the next year or so. Not surprisingly that pretty much aligned with the majority of comments we received. It was also nice to hear members looking long term rather than just trying to get a membership as cheap as possible for the next year and that’s it. It appears we are all in it for the long haul.
There were comments which said we need more fish in our waters while others said there are too many. Membership costs, the majority were in agreement we needed to raise but there were also others that said we need to keep the same. This probably being due to how some have been affected by covid throughout the last year.
As you can see lots for us to talk about and members at total opposites on some thoughts and ideas. Whatever we decide we will try and look long term for the good of everyone. It will be difficult and no doubt some will say we have got it wrong, but we will try our best.